When selling CBD online, many website owners will understandably want to use familiar, big-name payment processors like PayPal, Stripe, or the gateway that comes with their shopping cart. However, popular shopping carts like Shopify are “Powered by Stripe,” which prohibits the sale of high-risk products like CBD on their platform and requires a CBD-friendly Stripe alternative.

Organic Payment Gateways offers easily integrated payment gateways so you can sell your CBD products online and process credit cards with less stress. Our high-risk-friendly payment gateways and merchant accounts integrate with WooCommerce, Shopify, BigCommerce, Wix, and ClickFunnels, so you can continue using the platform you love without having to start over.

Can you sell CBD using a Stripe payment gateway?

No. Stripe has many categories of restricted businesses listed in their Services Agreement which includes, as they put it, “Products containing any amount of CBD/THC.” But don’t take our word for it – you can read the portion of the Stripe Services Agreement that covers restricted businesses on their website to see for yourself.

Fortunately, we offer stable alternatives to Stripe. Organic Payment Gateways has helped many high-risk businesses successfully sell CBD online using payment processing specifically designed for their exact products.

Why can’t CBD websites process payments with Stripe?

Popular payment processors consider CBD a high-risk product because it’s part of a regulated industry. Unfortunately, many other sectors also fall under the “high-risk” label. It doesn’t mean you can’t sell CBD online – you just have to find alternatives to the big-name payment processors to avoid experiencing a shut-down merchant account or held money. And that’s why Organic Payment Gateways offers high-risk-friendly payment processing – so you won’t have to worry about getting your credit card processing turned off just because you sell CBD.

What else would an entrepreneur need to know before selling CBD online?

It’s important to sit with a qualified attorney before beginning any business involving CBD to ensure your business complies with all applicable regulations. You should make sure your CBD website includes a Certificate of Analysis (COA) for each product.

Keep in mind that we are not attorneys and do not provide legal advice, but once your business is set up, Organic Payment Gateways can help you get set up with high-risk-friendly payment processing so you can accept payments for your CBD products.

We can also help you integrate your payment gateway with your shopping cart, so you can keep using the e-commerce tools that are familiar to you.

If you’re ready for a Stripe CBD payment gateway alternative that won’t shut you down because of your product type, contact Organic Payment Gateways today, or click the “Start” arrow below.

If you sell weight gain supplements online or are looking to launch a supplement website soon, one of the most vital pieces of your business will be your ability to accept credit card payments for your products.

With Organic Payment Gateways, you won’t have to worry about having your money held or your payment gateway shut down by Stripe or PayPal due to your product type.

Organic Payment Gateways offers specialized supplement payment processing so you can sell your muscle mass pills, nitric oxide boosters, or other weight gain supplements like “booty boosters” online. We aim to give you peace of mind regarding your e-commerce payment processing.

Weight gain supplements and the high-risk label

Weight gain supplements are often sold in pill and powder form, and some popular products include substances that are produced naturally in your body, such as beta-alanine and creatine.

Many people think it’s strange that payment processors would categorize something natural like creatine as “high-risk.” But, often, that label applies to the entire supplement industry, so while it’s important to be aware of, it doesn’t have to be an obstacle.

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The “high-risk” part has more to do with the fact that supplements are not well regulated and are more prone to chargebacks or misleading health claims. In addition, because of the added monitoring and risk, most credit card payment gateways (like Square or PayPal) won’t work with a range of supplement types, often erroneously labeling them as a “pseudo-pharmaceutical.”

While you can’t control what labels other people put on your product type, you can still choose a reliable payment gateway that won’t get your accounts shut down. Held money and shut down payment processing can happen when high-risk businesses use payment processors that come built into their shopping cart, for example, Shopify Payments or WooCommerce Payments – both of which are “Powered by Stripe.”

Contact us any time to learn more about how we can help you accept payments for your products.

The freedom to use the website builder you know and love

Not only can a specialized payment processor save you the headache of shutdowns or frozen funds, but we can also help you integrate a supplement payment gateway with almost any website builder you want.

We believe you should be able to accept payments online for your weight gain supplements using the same tools and platforms that any other businesses have access to.

Organic Payment Gateways has integrated high-risk-friendly payment processing with Shopify, WooCommerce, Wix, ClickFunnels, and many other website builders and shopping carts. As a result, you don’t have to worry about trying to rebuild your website somewhere else to be able to sell products like “glute enhancers” or muscle mass products like creatine supplements or nitric oxide boosters.

Whether you’re new to selling supplements online or are an experienced online business owner who needs reliable payment processing, Organic Payment Gateways can help.

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Set up a payment gateway for weight gain supplements the right way

Our service is prompt and efficient and shows that the high-risk label does not have to interfere with your ability to accept payments for your weight gain products. Click the blue “Start” button below to begin or to ask a question.

At Organic Payment Gateways, we help health and wellness websites – including those that sell weight-loss products, supplements, and nutraceuticals – affordably and easily obtain the payment gateway they need to process credit cards online.

Our team’s expertise, patience, and one on one help will allow you to process payments using your existing website builder and shopping cart.

The online weight loss products business is growing by the year, but many website owners still have trouble finding reliable payment processing.

The biggest challenge is due to your “nutra” product being labeled “high-risk” or, worse yet, a “pseudo-pharmaceutical” by payment gateways like Stripe, PayPal, or Shopify Payments.  

Ingredients like garcinia cambogia, green tea, green coffee, raspberry ketones, glucomannan, bitter orange, sphaeranthus indicus, and forskolin can cause serious merchant account and payment gateway interruptions unless they are set up correctly in the beginning. This is our specialty.

We help weight loss websites by providing specialized product payment processing that can work with nearly all shopping carts and website builders.

Weight loss products and high-risk payment processing

Weight loss supplements can come in different forms, such as pills, powders, or drinks, and can contain various ingredients, such as plant extracts like garcinia cambogia.

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When you think of “high-risk” products, you’re probably more likely to think of things like tobacco or alcohol, since they are from industries that are highly regulated. With weight loss products, it’s sort of the other way around – the supplement industry is not very regulated at all, and so companies that sell these products can be at a higher risk of experiencing chargebacks.

Also, sometimes a supplement company will choose to make inaccurate or outlandish claims about what their products can do, which can, unfortunately, give the entire industry a bad name. These factors contribute to businesses in the weight loss industry being categorized as high-risk, and, as a result, most online payment processors (such as PayPal or Stripe) often won’t work with you.

But don’t let the high-risk label worry you. Reach out to us any time with questions about how we can help your business set up a payment gateway that works for you.

The benefits of specialized weight loss payment processing

Sometimes supplement businesses, such as weight loss websites, end up with their ability to process payments shut down if they try to use a popular payment processor that doesn’t accept high-risk products. If this has happened to you, don’t worry – Organic Payment Gateways can save you the headache of having to wade through the fine print on site after site just to find a payment processor that will accept your weight loss products.

High-risk payment processing on your current website builder

One of our values is the freedom to choose your own shopping cart, and we have developed many ways of integrating specialized payment processing with different web platforms to make sure that high-risk businesses can avoid rebuilding their website whenever possible.

You don’t need to go through the hassle of switching shopping carts just to be able to accept credit cards online for your garcinia cambogia, green tea extract, or other weight loss products. We can get you set up with payment processing that works for your business, whether you’re on Shopify, WooCommerce, Wix, or another website builder like GoDaddy or ClickFunnels.

Our service is prompt and professional, and we can help you put your time and energy back into running your business without worrying about your business deposits getting frozen because of your product type.

Click the blue “Start” button below, or contact us here to begin.

For years, Organic Payment Gateways has provided specialized payment processing for hundreds of skin care-related websites that are considered “high-risk.”

We help website owners accept credit card payments for their collagen, ceramides, and supplement products online, using whichever site builder they want.

Why do skin care products require high-risk payment processing?

Skincare products probably do not seem like they would fall under a “high-risk” label. Their purpose is generally to provide nourishment to help maintain your skin’s health, and that’s not exactly a risky endeavor. But when it comes to skincare, most products are not heavily regulated by the FDA, making them more prone to chargebacks. There is also the chance that some companies will make wildly inaccurate claims about their products and give the industry a bad name, which is unfortunate for the vast majority of skincare companies that don’t do that. Either way, the result is that skincare products are considered “high-risk” by most merchant account providers and payment gateways. Fortunately, despite the “high-risk” label, online skincare companies still have options for reliable payment processing.

High-risk payment processing

At Organic Payment Gateways, we’ve seen what can happen when a business in a high-risk industry uses traditional payment processing from companies like Stripe, PayPal, or Square. Often, it ends with a shutdown payment gateway or frozen merchant deposits. We want to help save you that headache. By using high-risk-friendly payment processing, you can accept payments for your collagen, ceramides, and other skincare products your customers love without worrying.

Reach out to us anytime or click “Start” at the bottom of this page with any questions about how we can help your business.

Freedom to choose the shopping cart that works for you

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We believe that high-risk businesses should have access to the same tools and opportunities that other companies have. That’s why we offer payment processing that our team can help you integrate with the site builder you’re already using. You don’t have to rebuild your skincare product website on a new platform to be able to accept credit card payments online for your skincare products.

WooCommerce, Shopify, and Wix are just some of the web platforms we can integrate with high-risk-friendly payment processing. There’s no reason why your product type should cause you to miss out on using the platform that works best for you.

You know that your customers appreciate the collagen-based products, ceramides, and skin creams that you sell. A high-risk label definitely does not need to interfere with the basic process of accepting payments for those products.

 Get in touch with Organic Payment Gateways today for prompt, professional service. We will set you up with payment processing that works for you and your business. You can also click the “Start” button below to begin.

If you sell probiotics like Bacillus, Lactobacillus, or Streptococcus online, Organic Payment Gateways will set you up with high-risk-friendly payment processing that’s reliable and works with your preferred site builder and shopping cart.

Probiotics are some of the most common nutritional supplements used in the United States. Many people take them for digestive health and other purposes like immune support, and more customers are turning to online shopping for the convenience and large selection of products to be found.

Without a stable, affordable way to accept credit cards, online probiotic businesses cannot survive, let alone thrive. Unfortunately, many common payment gateways consider probiotics “high-risk” and therefore prohibit them from processing payments.

Why are probiotics often considered high-risk by payment providers?

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 It might seem odd that selling probiotics would often require high-risk payment processing. The microorganisms found in yogurt don’t exactly conjure up an image of risk, do they? Well, in this case, the “risk” is not due to the products – you already know your customers appreciate them. It’s really more about the nutritional supplement industry itself. Supplement businesses can be more prone to regulatory issues and even chargebacks.

Sometimes, providers like Stripe, Shopify Payments, or PayPal can even lump traditional supplements into the dreaded “pseudo pharmaceutical” category. This means that many online supplement businesses need affordable, stable, high-risk payment processing in order to thrive.

Alternatives to Stripe and PayPal payment processing for probiotics

Regardless of the label that many credit card processors may use for your probiotic supplement businesses, we would love to help you accept credit cards online. With Organic Payment Gateways you can sell your Enterococcus, Saccharomyces, and other probiotics without fear of having your gateway shut down due to product type.

Get in touch with us anytime if you have questions about how we can help or click the blue start arrow below to get started.

Freedom to use the shopping cart you already know and love

Along with the freedom to process payments, we also believe you should be free to sell your probiotics on whichever platform and shopping cart is best for you. There is no need to move to a different site builder or online store and redo the time and energy you’ve already put in. Whether you’re on Wix, WooCommerce, Shopify, or somewhere else, we have the tools and experience to set you up to accept payments online for your probiotics without having to move.

While launching an online supplement business may come with some hurdles, accepting payments for your probiotics should not be one of them. We think you should be able to sell your Bifidobacterium, Escherichia, and other probiotics on the platform of your choice, using reliable payment processing that’s designed for the specific products in your store.

Get started anytime by clicking the blue “Start” button below. We look forward to helping you accept payments online.