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Checkout Champ CBD payment gateways

We love supporting Checkout Champ clients in the pioneering industry of CBD sales. We know there are many challenges these days in terms of payment gateways and merchant accounts when it comes to CBD and hemp e-commerce.

For businesses that use any of Konnektive CRM’s products, especially Checkout Champ, Organic Payment Gateways is dedicated to making sure that selling and accepting payments online is among the easiest things to do for your business. Finding the right CBD payment gateway for your Checkout Champ Customer relationship management (CRM) software goes a long way toward achieving that goal.

We offer CBD-compatible high-risk payment gateways that make it easy and affordable to accept credit card payments online. With our experience helping so many CBD and supplement e-commerce entrepreneurs, we have also become very familiar with the software they use and love most. This familiarity helps ensure that our high-risk e-commerce solutions integrate incredibly well with a wide range of software and carts.

If you’re looking to integrate a CBD-friendly payment gateway with Checkout Champ, contact us here. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a CRM, please read on as we cover more details about Checkout Champ and how it works with CBD.

Why use Checkout Champ as your CBD CRM?

We’re big believers in freedom of choice and simplicity. We always look for ways that CBD site owners can gain control of their payment processing while having plenty of features to help their online store. Checkout Champ gives CBD stores a range of capabilities that are crucial to any e-commerce site – when paired with one of our recommended CBD payment gateways.

What makes Checkout Champ particularly useful for CBD entrepreneurs, however, is its high-risk compatibility.

In addition to offering one-click up-sells, reordering, and their trademarked sales funnel, FunnelKonnekt, they also provide overall ease of use. When paired with one of our CBD high-risk payment gateways, these core elements make Konnektive’s Checkout Champ a great fit for CBD e-commerce businesses.

Getting down to CBD business with Checkout Champ

Checkout Champ has all the bells and whistles you would expect. When it comes to CRMs, we all want robust features that make it easier to manage and track products and sales, as well as access to an overview of customers and “where” they are. Another key element is the overall ease of use. You want to be able to easily add content (like product images, product details, descriptions, etc.) and, ideally, be able to bulk import your inventory. Sure enough, Checkout Champ checks all these boxes!

CDB-friendly payment gateways for Checkout Champ

Can CBD businesses use Authorize.Net with Checkout Champ?

Absolutely! CBD businesses can seamlessly integrate Authorize.Net with Checkout Champ. It is important, however, to ensure that your back-end merchant account is specifically tailored for CBD products. This last step helps prevent disruptions or account shutdowns, ensuring stable payment processing for your CBD business. Our experienced team is committed to guiding you through the setup process, and we are ready to provide one-on-one assistance by phone or even through a live screen share session. Click the Start arrow below to begin.

Can CBD websites use the NMI payment gateway with Checkout Champ?

Yes, CBD businesses on Checkout Champ can use the NMI payment gateway. However, it is important to make sure that the back-end merchant account is specifically underwritten for CBD products. This is essential to avoid merchant account shutdowns. Click the Start arrow at the bottom of the page to get started with a CBD payment gateway and merchant account.

The benefits of using a high-risk compatible CRM

As a CBD website entrepreneur, you need to know that you’re running a business that’s classified as high-risk. We won’t go into the “why” here. If you’d like to know more, you can learn about the basics of CBD and CBD e-commerce in general in this article. The conclusion here is the same for any high-risk business – you have fewer alternatives than more standard online businesses.

What we want to underline, though, is that fewer does not mean few! There are great software and cart alternatives for CBD e-commerce. When you sign up with us, we will fully integrate a payment gateway for you – making sure all the tools you need to grow your business work like a well-oiled machine!

Chargeback and fraud screening

One frustrating truth about selling CBD products is that you are more likely to experience chargebacks. Statistically, CBD businesses do experience higher fraud rates. This is frustrating when you’re starting to sell cannabidiol products online.
However, there are ways to deal with this effectively and take reasonable precautions.

With one of our provided gateways integrated into the Checkout Champ CRM you already use, you’ll be well-equipped to minimize chargeback and fraud rates. It’s all about being preemptive – and we can help you be ready.

Set up your online CBD store with Checkout Champ and Organic Payment Gateways today

Are you ready to launch your online CBD brand with the comprehensive Checkout Champ CRM but still need a gateway? Or do you need a CBD-friendly payment gateway and merchant account to start your entrepreneurial adventure? We’re here for you every step of the way – making it easy for you to accept credit cards for your CBD products. All you need to do is contact us here or click “start’ below.

At Organic Payment Gateways, we look forward to giving you a stress-free way to complete online transactions for the CBD products your customers love.

Simply click the blue START below to begin.