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Wix nutritional supplement payment gateways

Organic Payment Gateways offers affordable, easily integrated Wix payment gateways that allow credit card processing for nutritional supplements.

You may have read support forums or message boards suggesting that accepting credit card payments for nutritional supplements on Wix is too much of a headache. Well, that does not need to be the case.

It’s actually pretty easy to integrate a nutra payment gateway with the help of some knowledgeable and passionate people. So, if you’re ready to get started, click the Start arrow at the bottom of the page, and our team will be happy to help you out.

Wix is a great platform for e-commerce, and we want to make sure you can take advantage of it without having to switch to a different website builder.

At Organic Payment Gateways, our mission is to help businesses sell online using the website builder they already know and love. With our expertise in payment gateways and e-commerce software, we make it easy for you to start accepting payments on Wix for your nutritional supplement products.

Let us help you get started – click the Start arrow at the bottom of this page to begin.

Wix can work for nutritional supplements

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Wix is quickly becoming one of the most popular e-commerce platforms out there. This is because it’s very user-friendly and allows for a great deal of customization. As a result, businesses of all types – including supplement businesses -can get the site layout and features they want. And – with our help – you can also set up stable credit card processing for your Wix supplement website.

Wix offers different subscription plans depending on your needs. The affordability of their lower tiers makes Wix an option for many new supplement startups looking to launch their business online.

However, it is important to note that Wix requires additional 3rd party shopping cart software – which we can recommend – in order to expand its payment gateway options broadly enough to process credit cards for some – if not most – nutritional supplement websites.

Wix often needs specialized solutions for stable supplement payment processing

One of the great things about Wix is that it makes it very easy to have a professional-looking e-commerce site without any coding. You won’t have to have a developer team custom code and build your website from scratch. Wix offers you plenty of templates to work from and plenty of customization options.

One major challenge is that neither Stripe, Wix Payments nor PayPal allows a particularly broad range of online supplements. That’s where we come in.

Organic Payment Gateways helps Wix supplement websites accept payments

If you’re planning to use Wix for your nutritional supplement website, you need to know that the primary credit card processing options they offer –Wix Payments, Stripe, and PayPal – may not work for you. Even if you get an account and start selling, the payment processor may soon shut you down or freeze your deposits – if you violate their terms. In addition, providers like Wix Payments and Stripe often label nutritional supplements as pseudo-pharmaceuticals, which is prohibited by their allowed use policies.

However, at Organic Payment Gateways, we’re extremely familiar with a wide range of e-commerce software and platforms, Wix included. As a result, we can set you up with a payment gateway, merchant account, and our preferred third-party shopping cart integration that will allow you to accept credit and debit card payments on your existing Wix website in no time.

We care about you and your Wix supplement e-commerce site

It’s hard enough to find a nutritional supplement payment processor willing to help. Finding someone who appreciates your business and has experience with Wix is even harder. With Organic Payment Gateways, you’ll have someone who has your back and will provide you with the help and expert insights you need to accept credit cards for supplements on Wix.

We believe all legal nutritional supplement businesses deserve the same chance at success. We want to make it possible for you to have the freedom to choose an e-commerce platform you love. This is why we specialize in high-risk payments – it is our only focus. This gives us the insight and expertise needed to help you get the best possible support and means of accepting online payments for supplements.

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Selling products that your customers love using Wix

Often, e-commerce merchants who sell natural remedies on Wix have a hard time, but- accepting credit cards doesn’t have to be a pain.

There’s a massive market for dietary supplements in the US these days, and you know people love your products. We’re here to help make it easier for you to accept payments from your customers.

With Organic Payment Gateways, you’ll be able to take advantage of the range of features Wix has to offer and integrate a high-risk payment gateway that works for you.

How to accept credit cards for nutritional supplements on Wix

We can help you quickly and easily set up a payment gateway to receive payments for dietary supplements on your existing Wix website. Here are the three items required:

  1. A payment gateway that allows for nutritional supplement transactions – this is where we come in. Our team specializes in helping businesses like yours.
  2. A merchant account that allows for nutritional supplement transactions – Organic Payment Gateways can help you with this, too.
  3. A third-party shopping cart to expand the integration options within Wix – again, we can help you put this in place.

We will guide you through each step of the process so you can use the Wix website builder to create a professional-looking online store and start accepting payments for your nutritional supplements.

Note: Always be sure to read the terms and conditions of your providers and vendors to ensure compliance and avoid any unexpected issues.

Can Authorize.Net integrate with Wix?

Can it? Yes, but not natively. You can use Authorize.Net as your payment gateway, even if your website is built using Wix. However, to connect Authorize.Net with Wix, you may need to use third-party software. Our team will walk you through the steps either by phone or with a free screen share. You can learn more by clicking Start near the bottom of this page.

Can nutritional supplement businesses use Authorize.Net with Wix?

Yes. Nutritional supplement websites can use Wix and the Authorize.Net payment gateway – but doing so requires 3rd party software and a back-end merchant account that is underwritten for the exact supplement sold online. Our team is happy to go over all the details with you. Just click the Start arrow near the bottom of this page to learn more.

Does Wix integrate with NMI?

Not directly, but yes, you can connect an NMI payment gateway to Wix and sell nutritional supplements online. Like Authorize.Net though, NMI integration requires 3rd party shopping cart software and a back-end merchant account that is underwritten and approved for your exact nutra products.

Organic Payment Gateways will guide you through the setup process, assist with all the necessary pieces, and be there for you should you need a helping hand from a real human down the road.

Click the Start arrow near the bottom of this page to begin.

Want help selling nutritional supplements on Wix?

Are you ready to take your nutraceutical and supplement business to the next level by launching your e-commerce store on Wix? With Organic Payment Gateways, you can easily accept credit card payments online.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to grow your business in a stable, secure way – click the Start arrow below to begin or to learn more. We’re here to help your Wix supplement website succeed!